Hills School Verdun Management Team




Early Learning (From 3 ½  Years) and Primary (Rec – Year 6)


OSHC aims to provide high quality recreational care of Early Learning and Primary school age children, in a warm and comfortable environment, while their parents work, study or have respite. OSHC is situated in the HILLS grounds, on the Sandow Property and at the Early Learning Centre.

In accordance with school and community needs the services provided include Before School Care, After School Care, Vacation Care and care during pupil free days and school closures.

To make a booking please follow this link to enrol: Storypark Enrolment Form

Early Learning (From 3 ½  Years) |  8388 1369 or email rferguson@hccs.sa.edu.au

Primary (Rec -Year 6)  |  0456 884 436 or email oshc@hccs.sa.edu.au

Vacation Care

Our Vacation Care is open during school holidays. A program of activities is available leading up to holidays and can be booked directly through Joshua Campbell for Primary Aged Children and Rosie Ferguson for ELC Aged Children (see contact details below).

Early Learning Centre OSHC

Opening Hours | 7.30am – 6.oopm

For bookings & cancellations | phone 8388 1369

Rosie Ferguson | rferguson@hccs.sa.edu.au

Primary Aged Children OSHC

Opening Hours

  • Before School Care | 7.00am – 9.00am
  • After School Care | 3.25pm – 6.oopm
  • Vacation Care | 7.30am – 6pm

For bookings & cancellations | phone 0456 884 436 or email: oshc@hccs.sa.edu.au

Joshua Campbell | oshc@hccs.sa.edu.au

OSHC employment

Please complete the following application form for OSHC Employment Opportunities